
Gas Turbine, Gas Engine


Gas Turbine and Gas Engine

As the technology leader in Cogeneration or Combined Heat and Power (CHP), Kawasaki Gas Turbine Asia (KGA) provides two types of Cogeneration to produce Electricity and Heat, depending on the power to heat ratio.

Cogeneration with Gas Turbine Generator

Gas turbine Cogeneration is suitable for industrial users with high heat to power ratio. The combustion of fuel in gas turbine produces the mechanical energy to rotate the alternator / generator, it also churns out large amount of exhaust heat, which is at temperature around 510 deg Celsius.

This large amount of heat can be recovered with a boiler (HRSG) to generate steam, this steam is literally free as it is the byproduct. For example, our GPB80D can provide around 7.6 MW electricity (depending on ambient temperature) and around 17 ton per hour of steam (8 barg saturated steam), please check at below table for the expected power and heat output.

360 view:

Gas Turbine Model M1A-13D M1A-17D M1T-13D M5A-01
Gas Turbine Generator Model GPB15D GPB17D GPB30D GPB50D
Electric Output (kW) 1,450 1,755 2,850 4,450
Heat rate (kJ/kWe-hr) 15,280 13,120 15,510 11,266
Exhaust gas temperature (℃) 534 526 534 505
Exhaust Gas Mass Flow (x10³ kg/hr) 28.5 28.8 57 62.1
HRSG Steam Output (x10³ kg/hr) 5.1 5 10.2 9.3
Total Thermal Efficiency 79.7 80.4 79.3 77.2
NOx 02 : 15% (ppm) 25 9*/15 25 25
Approximate Package Dimension (L, W, H) (m) 5.3 x 1.65 x 2.35 6.0 x 1.85 x 2.55 6.0 x 2.4 x 2.8 8.7 x 2.6 x 3.5
Approximate Package Weight (dry) (x10³ kg) 11 11.5 22 55
Gas Turbine Model M7A-03D L20A L30A
Gas Turbine Generator Model GPB80D GPB180D GPB300D
Electric Output (kW) 7,670 17,970 32,360
Heat rate (kJ/kWe-hr) 10,820 10,690 9,196
Exhaust gas temperature (℃) 526 545 509
Exhaust Gas Mass Flow (x10³ kg/hr) 97.6 213 324.7
HRSG Steam Output (x10³ kg/hr) 17 39.7 50.9
Total Thermal Efficiency 83.2 84 80.8
NOx 02 : 15% (ppm) 9*/15 15
Approximate Package Dimension (L, W, H) (m) 11.5 x 2.8 x 3.6 17.2 x 3.5 x 3.4 21.6 x 6.2 x 5.7
Approximate Package Weight (dry) (x10³ kg) 60 131 250

Cogeneration with Medium Speed Gas Engine Generator

Gas Engine Cogeneration is suitable for Industrial users with high power to heat ratio. Gas Engine Generator itself can already generate up to 51% of electrical efficiency, when you have high electrical efficiency, the amount of exhaust heat is lower comparatively, in this case, exhaust temperature is typically around 330 deg Celsius. For example, our KG18 gas engine can provide around 7.8MW electricity and up to 3.6 ton per hour of steam. Furthermore, the heat taken away from the engine cooling jacket can also be recovered to generate hot water at around 90 deg Celsius, this hot water can either be used directly in your heating process or even used in Hot Water Absorption Chiller to generate chilled water for your plant.

Cogeneration Summary Table (Selected Models)

Power section Model


Gas Turbine


Gas Turbine


Gas Turbine


Gas Turbine


Gas Turbine


Gas Engine


Gas Engine

Generator Package ModelGPB17D
M1A17 - GPB15D-17D
M5A - GPB50D
M7A03 - GPB80D
L20A - GPB180D
L30A - GPB300D
Electric Gross Output, kW1,7554,4507,67017,97032,3605,2007,800
Heat Rate,
Exhaust gas temperature,
deg C
Potential waste heat output5 ton/hr steam9.3 ton/hr steam17 ton/hr steam39.7 ton/hr steam53.8 ton/hr steam2.4 ton/hr steam + 1,300 kW hot water supply3.6 ton/hr steam + 2,100 kW hot water supply
Total Thermal Efficiency, %80778384837777
NOx emission @ (02 : 15%)9/15 ppm25 ppm9/15 ppm15 ppm15 ppm57 ppm57 ppm

Generator output is based on 15 deg C ambient temperature, and 0 m altitude.
Steam pressure at 8.3 barg saturated with feedwater temperature at 80 deg C.
Natural gas composition is typical.
Detailed GTG / GEG performance for each specific site can be calculated upon request.

Gas Turbine VS Gas Engine

Specifications/Product Gas Turbine Gas Engine
Energy Ratio of Cogeneration
Electrical Efficiency (LHV) 29-33% 48.5-51%
Total Efficiency of Cogeneration (LHV) 77-84% 63.5-77%
Electrical Efficiency (Partial Load) Good Very Good
Exhaust Heat High Exhaust Gas Temperature and Amount Low Exhaust Gas Temperature
NOx Emissions (O₂=15%) 15 – 25ppm (DLE) 57ppm
Vibration Ultra Low Low
Machine Size Small Large
Start-up Time 20 min 5 min
Maintenance Interval Very Long Long

Cogeneration: Cost Effective to Produce Power and Heat.

Conventional System

Benefits of Kawasaki Cogeneration System